
Airline & Airport RFID System

A private airline had GAO RFID develop a system for passenger boarding, so that they could easily monitor and count passengers boarding various flights.The customer’s information is programmed into the server’s database and then using GAO’s GenTop™ Standalone RFID Reader Writer the customer’s unique ID information is written to a paper RFID tag with adhesive. When the ticket is issued the RFID tag is affixed to it.Upon boarding the passengers passes through a boarding gate which has a WiFi enabled RFID Reader attached to it. The reader reads the tag and passes the ID and timestamp information to the central server.

Software Features

GAO’s software allows for the entering, editing and deletion of multiple airlines, flights and boarding gates and the recording of the passenger’s information. Boarding gate readers can be added into the software system as required. Reader status is monitored from the system.Custom reports can be generated based on airline and flight lists and passenger information as well as time criteria. Reports can also be exported as CSV files for use in other systems

How the Airport RFID Asset Tracking Systems Work