
Amber Vanderburg – Founder, Pathwayz Group


Amber Vanderburg is a multi award winning international businessperson, keynote speaker, and founder of The Pathwayz Group. In 2016, she was the only female, only American, and only blonde Academy elite football coach for the Adidas Gameday Academy and Paris Saint Germain Academy in Bangalore, India. She worked with an international team of coaches to transform the organizational design, training development, and corporate culture to cultivate a higher-performing team. Today, Amber works with international teams in action focused team development training to guide teams to become more effective, more efficient, and more enjoyable.


The Power of Performance Feedback

Feedback is a critical part of performance. The way you give and receive feedback directly affects the outcomes of your team. If you’re like most people, the feedback you provide is often vague, inconsistent, nuanced, and generally ineffective. And furthermore, the way you receive feedback likely isn’t working for you.

To unlock real performance improvement- you must learn how to utilize feedback effectively. It’s a game changer for your team.

In this course, I want to teach you how to give feedback that is timely, specific, and simply more effective. I’ll also share how you can improve the way you receive feedback- and move beyond superficial responses. I’ll provide you with a set of tools that you can begin using today to deliver feedback, to not only transform your team, but your entire organization.

So, if you’re ready– let’s go.


-Frameworks to be specifically strategic in coaching action steps. -Tools that can guide corrective, coaching, and reinforcing feedback conversations to improve performance. -How to best receive personal feedback. -How to empower and encourage feedback ownership within teams. -How to use the data from performance feedback to strategically improve individual and team performance.

Why Performance Feedback? Powerful performance feedback can guide organizations in clarifying success measures, improve performance, and progress team communication, collaboration, and trust.


Pump-up Activity/Introduction Creating an Environment for High Performance Frameworks to Design and Deliver Effective Feedback Tools for Addressing Unmet Performance Expectations How to Utilize Feedback Data to Maximize Performance Guidelines for Most Effective Feedback Loops Questions to Ask in an Effective Retrospective/Debrief/Performance Review The Power of Relational Feedback Conclusion/QA



Ted Marena – Senior Director, Western Digital

Avionics Manufacturing Industry