
Data Center RFID Solutions

Data Center RFID SolutionsRFID for Your Data Center THE SCENERIO: Hours of tedium, scanning barcode after barcode with a handheld reader. Days spent gathering inventory data instead of managing your IT infrastructure. Weeks of effort readying an inventory that becomes inaccurate the moment you increase network resources, retire old assets, replace failed equipment, experience theft. Months of uncertainty about the actual location of physical assets within your data centre. Until it’s time for the next inventory. And more time wasted. Many organizations are employing radio frequency identification (RFID) on information technology (IT) assets to manage, track and locate, and reduce the security risks associated with critical computing assets. GAO RFID has a complete solution applications and benefits related to deploying RFID on IT assets in data centres, including:

  • Increasing the inventory automation and accuracy of mission-critical data-centre assets for optimized utilization and cost reduction
  • Real-time location and security management of critical IT assets to mitigate and manage the risks associated with computing assets and networks
  • Secure and efficient media and data tape tracking to ensure the compliance and privacy of public and agency information
  • How RFID can become a critical component to your risk-mitigation and cyber-security initiatives
GAO RFID’s active RFID tags and readers, gathering physical asset inventory and location data is as simple as pressing a button. Our solutions eliminate expensive, inaccurate, time-consuming manual processes while increasing visibility of your data centre’s rack-based assets. Know where your assets are, any time, in real-time. With RFID, you have “instant inventory”—automated, real-time, on-demand physical asset inventory and management for your data centres. It’s easy and efficient now to meet your compliance, business and security needs.

Environmental Monitoring:

It used to be that a data centre’s fundamental mandate was to stay online at all costs. Today, availability is still mission critical, but operating expenses receive more scrutiny than ever. The reason is energy use across data centres has ballooned and costs have followed. Equally important is that the cost of downtime for a financial firm or an e-commerce enterprise can be add up to millions of dollars in minutes. Here are some components managers should expect and demand from an IT environment monitoring solution. They are:
  • Monitoring
  • Alerting
  • Automatic Response

The Software:

GAO RFID offers a variety of software for use with its active RFID product line. These include an intelligent software that provides zone-level location of RFID asset tags in real-time and a mobile asset tracking application for Bluetooth-enabled handheld computers and smart phones running Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6 Standard and Windows Mobile 6 Professional that is designed to inventory thousands of tagged assets and work seamlessly with active RFID mobile readers and tags. The utilities and SDK offers tools and sample code for the growing active RFID developer community, enabling software developers to leverage the strengths of our RF technology when architecting asset tracking solutions. Reader utilities and SDK are also provided with the RFID readers for data centers. These include an inventory and search utility specifically designed to demonstrate the functionality and feasibility of RFID tags and mobile readers for your application and a Tag Collection Utility. This Windows based utility, for the mobile reader records and saves more than 4000 unique tag IDs for later download to a PC.

We Have Your Solution

Contact a GAO RFID representative and we can advise you on which technology is the best for your needs and requirements. Please contact us at, send us an inquiry, or call us at 1-877-585-9555 or 416-292-0038, ext 601.]]>