
GAO RFID Dairy Cattle and Milk Production Asset Management Solution

Highly Accurate & Efficient Dairy Cattle and Milk Production Asset Management Solution

With this RFID solution, the asset management of your dairy farm can be done simply by having an employee walk through the area while holding a handheld computer with an RFID reader, which tracks the tagged assets.

What It Can Track

Our RFID system can track all dairy farm assets including:

  • Tractors
  • Milk cans and other containers
  • Trailers, trollies and their attachments
  • Loaders
  • Chaff cutters
  • Feed grinders
  • Cooling systems
  • Generators
  • Ropes, chains, tagging equipment and pipes
  • All other assets your dairy farm may utilize


An RFID tag needs to be attached to each asset, which will then be read by a handheld RFID reader held by an employee within range of the tag.


Click here to get detailed specifics of how this system will work.

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to see how this system WILL save you time & money

The Dairy Industry

The purpose of dairy farms is to provide milk for consumption to the general public. This usually consists of milk derived from cows, but can also include goats, sheep or camels. Though the industry has been criticized in recent years for being cruel to animals and keeping them in inhumane conditions, it continues to thrive around the world today. Dairy products nowadays are commonly used in a wide variety of foods and beverages, with a popular and widely agreed-upon opinion being that they are beneficial for health purposes. Milk is used as a beverage in itself or as a supplement to other beverages or foods, cheese is used as a general addition to many foods, yogurt is used as a base for a wide range of foods and butter is commonly used as a supplement as well. Dairy products are always derived from milk, which does not include vegetable milk alternatives such as soy. Dairy products also have calcium in them, which also separates them from non-dairy products like almond milk and soy milk.

The dairy business is dedicated to providing milk to dairy product manufacturers or the general mass. In some cases, some farms also provide cheese and yogurt of their own. Most dairy farms also pasteurize their milk before shipping, either for storage purposes or for legal and health purposes. Some farms also provide less fat or more fat variations of milk. The milk they provide is also used in coffee cream, chocolate milk, buttermilk, sour milk, sour cream and other dairy products.

As stated above, the source for all dairy products is milk, which comes from any farms specializing in livestock. Milk is mostly obtained from cows, but some other variations of milk include goat or yak milk. Most countries prohibit selling unpasteurized milk, as it provides a great safety risk, therefore most of the milk sourced is always pasteurized before further processing or before a sale, for safety and storage or preservation purposes, with the exception of small family-owned dairy farms, although most of these too pasteurize their milk. The most common way for a typical consumer to buy any dairy product is from their local store, but other ways of obtaining it include farmer markets, fairs and in some cases, from factories themselves. With the evolution of technology, specifically storage and preservation technology, dairy products may eventually be able to be sold online, with some companies already prototyping the service. Thankfully most dairy businesses and farms provide pasteurized milk anyway.

According to some sources, the dairy market may eventually fall drastically due to the rising trend of non-livestock alternative products, as more and more people begin to form the opinion that harvesting livestock is immoral and cruel. While the market may rise or simply remain steady in developing countries, it is likely to fall in first world countries such as the USA, Canada and Germany as trends revolving around sustainability and veganism continue to gain in popularity. If the treatment of livestock were improved, however, the market may potentially remain mostly unchanged, with a rise being unlikely.

According to Statista, the revenue of the dairy industry at the beginning of 2020 was about $716 billion worldwide, with $85 billion in the US. The average per capita consumed is 47.1 kg.

The largest manufacturers of dairy products can be found generally in North America and Europe. North America’s largest dairy manufacturing states are New York, California and of course Wisconsin. In Canada the largest dairy manufacturing city is Montreal.