
Mertha Mo Nyamande – Integrative Psychotherapist


Integrative Psychotherapist – Psychological Trauma Specialist. Specialised in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at Universities of Cumbria and Derby, further read Philosophy of Mind at Oxford University, Psychoanalysis and Systemic (Family) Therapy, PTSD and complex grief with ePsy Canada.

– To understand the complexities underlpinning the development of a wide range of Mental Health Disorders/problems.


Special interests in Addictions, Dementia, Personality Disorders and Grief / Complex Trauma (military or otherwise), having consulted for the uk Ministry of Defence and NHS IAPT services for many years.


Mainly utilise non-pharmacological integrative approach to assess, and help/treat a wide range of mental health problems to enable clients to understand the function of their feelings and/or emotions (positive, anxious, or depressed), whether they have had therapy before or new to talking therapies/ psychotherapy. Experienced, confident and able to help individuals/groups make sense of mental health disorders/ difficulties.


Core function involves supporting individuals to confront some difficult dark corners in ther lives. This is then incorporated in how they live and work together with others to develop their lives and contribute to their communities.


Have written and published a number of articles in  field of expertise, published first book; Who, Why, How are you? This outlines various theories of mental health disorders, therapeutic modalities and interventions. Working on next book on Sleep and Dreams as well as establishing mental health services in Africa.

Have also presented at conferences in europe and africa with main emphasis on mental health management, development and research.



What do we know about MH?

1 in 4 is estimated to have mental illness in their lifetime (WHO, 2001). In 2007 Mental Disorder (MD) definition was changed from the 1983 UK act. Schema formulation defragmented. Belief inflexibility, cause and effect/ action reaction (inaction). Impact of Mental Disorders on physical health and vulnerabilities to the likes of obesity, cancers, HIV, Hyper/hypotension, Strokes, Hyper/hypoglycemia, etc… on the individual, in terms of symptoms pain and behaviour (DSH) and long term habits. Impact of Mental Disorders on Societies; social stability / mobility / behaviour, and opportunity cost. Human brain becomes fully developed by the age of 25. Genes respond to their environment, and not the other way round. “There is No Health without Mental Health.

What is not known, clear / seek to present.

Why Mental Disorders are on the increase… Awareness and trends. Clarify the continuum relationship of Mental Disorders. The composition of human belief and perception. Combining Right and left brain activity in developing interventions. Organic brain disorders like dementia and brain injuries remain misunderstood. What is the impact of mental disorders on the physical health. To explore and highlight the Mental Health challenges within the KP that increase their vulnerabilities and exposure to HIV/AIDS and other physical Health problems. There is “NO HEALTH without MENTAL HEALTH”.


Anecdotal evidence show that all MH presentations are based on complexities in relationships and or unmet need in childhood and/or at some point before adulthood. Anxiety is attributed to as far back as child birth, as per perinatal. Depression can be observed in infants withdrawal often based on the broken relationship/spirit with the parent. Abandonment and neglect also play a huge role in these dynamics, in particular Personality Disorders.

Subject recruitment criteria

Screening criteria

– Age stages

– Gender / sexual orientation

– HIV status

– Known/Diagnosed MH complaints

– Household income

– Geo location (Urban/Rural)


Contextual interviews



Longitudinal diary study

Literature review


Agenda for qualitative and quantitative studies.

Interviews over a 6 week period to gain and establish trusting relationships.

Access educational establishments to access and study age groups in their environments for analysis.


Mental disorders have a clear cause and can be avoided if we know where and what to look for. If we can identify the cause, then we can do something about preventing these problems. We can then cascade the findings and facilitate training to improve public response (locally and globally) to dealing with mental health issues.


Structured research is required to validate this hypothesis. We could also follow a cohort of children from birth, or study records already available to establish validity. Utilise these findings to inform social policy and address this rise in MDs.

# belief/thought/emotion/behaviour/habit/character/personality/destiny

# attention/discomfort/stress/anxiety/depression/psychosis/withdrawal(sleep)


*The Journey…* A Mental story about Stability.

On the day of my Conception, there was a lot of love in the room and moment,a love that filled every void possible. She knew the moment it happened and the news was received with nothing but admiration. Throughout pregnancy, there was an incredible amount of nurturing that my mother never knew a moment of stress or worry.

My birth was swift and painless, though confusing, there was not a moment of fear or suffering to either of us. Throughout my infancy, i received a healthy weaning from my mother and breast. I adjusted well to interactions with others in my environment, the explanations were patient and playful. My frustrations were well supported. As i waded through Toddlerhood, the exposure to life was endless – beyond worlds, that by the time i started my journey as a child imaginary friends and environments were abound and awesome. My siblings adored me and me them as we shared our wishful adult ambitions as per my observed strengths. Interactions were challenging, but equally supported in ways that made us understand why and were able to detach further to achieve independence and my unique identity… that by the time adulthood arrived, i was well rehearsed and adjusted well. Throughout my adulthood, i acquired lasting relationships and resources that have carried me through my lows and encouraged my highs.

Now that i look back in my older adulthood from the corner room of my son’s house, watching my grandchildren pleasure themselves in awe of my wrinkles and realising the continuity of my life through them, i realise that all this was a fantasy that none of us knew nor understood.

“I feel stuck in a situation I can’t seem to find a way out of, and everything I see around me reminds me of my pain, failures and losses”.

Do you see and understand my predicament and the trajectory of my life?

Dr. Justin Starr – Prescouter’s of Digital Transformation

Joel Silverstone – Senior Facilitator & Coach