
Patricia Hammar – CEO of PKH Enterprises

Founder and CEO of PKH Enterprises


Patricia Hammar, Founder and CEO of PKH Enterprises, has distinguished herself as a renowned expert on technology policy leveraging both her technology and legal expertise to address complex issues. Patricia’s extensive professional experience, spanning over 25 years in government and industry, helped develop her talent for analyzing current operating procedures, authorities, and potential risks; for diagnosing problems; and for determining the most appropriate actions. Patricia received her B.S. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received both a Juris Doctorate (JD) and Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Baltimore. Professional affiliations include membership in the Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia Bars.



Ms. Hammar will talk about the importance of looking at the ability to address privacy and security to be built into new technologies and collection of sensor data to ensure that the technology can be implemented in a safe and legally compliant manner. She will give examples of past products that looked promising but could not get over the compliance hurdles and how to ensure you address these concerns early.



Dr. Alan Castillo – Director at Cloud Computing Technologies

Jim St.Clair – Chief Trust Officer at LUMEDIC