RFID, BLE, IoT & Drones for Specialty hospital Industry


A specialty hospital is a medical facility that focuses on providing specialized care for specific medical conditions or patient populations. It has highly trained staff, advanced equipment, and tailored treatment plans for improved patient outcomes. These hospitals excel in their chosen area of expertise and offer efficient and patient-centered care.

GAO’s RFID, BLE, IoT, and drone technologies have helped its customers in specialty hospital Industry to improve their work processes, their operations and productivity by better management of their staff, materials and operational equipment such as MRI Machine, CT Scanner, X-ray Machine, Ultrasound Machine, Endoscopy Equipment, Dialysis Machines, Cardiac Monitors, Surgical Microscopes, Electrophysiology Equipment, Radiation Therapy Machines, Pediatric Ventilators, Rehabilitation Equipment, Robotic Surgery Systems, Infusion Pumps. Physical Therapy Devices, Neonatal Incubators, Ophthalmic Instruments, Fetal Monitors, Gamma Knife Radiosurgery System, Intraoperative Imaging Devices

Ranked as one of the top 10 global RFID suppliers, GAO RFID Inc. is based in New York City, U.S. and Toronto, Canada. GAO offers a comprehensive selection of UHF, HF (including NFC) and LF RFID (radio frequency identification) readers and tags, BLE (Low Energy Bluetooth) gateways and beacons, and various RFID and BLE systems such as people tracking, asset tracking, access control, parking control, fleet management, WIP (work in progress), traceability. Such RFID and BLE products and systems, as well as its IoT and drone technologies, have been successfully deployed for sub-industry. Its sister company, GAO Tek Inc. https://gaotek.com, is a leading supplier of industrial or commercial testers and analyzers, drones, and network products.

Applications & Benefits of GAO’s RFID, BLE, IoT & Drones for specialty hospital

To satisfy its customers, GAO’s RFID or RFID Systems for specialty hospitals are offered in 2 versions. One version is that its software is running on a local server that normally is on our client’s premises, and another version runs in the cloud. The cloud server could be GAO’s cloud server, client’s own cloud server or a cloud server from one of the leading cloud server providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud (formerly SoftLayer), Oracle Cloud, RedHat, Heroku, Digital Ocean, CloudFlare, Linode and Rackspace. The above illustrates GAO system for sub-industry with its software running on a local server

The above illustrates the GAO system for engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing industry with its software running in the cloud.

GAO’s RFID and BLE technologies, consisting of RFID readers, RFID tags, BLE gateways, BLE beacons, software, cloud services and their systems, have the following applications in specialty hospital industry:

  • Asset Tracking and Management: RFID tags can be attached to medical equipment, devices, and supplies, enabling hospitals to track their location and usage in real-time. BLE beacons can also be used to monitor the movement of valuable assets and to ensure that critical equipment is readily available when needed.
  • Patient and Staff Tracking: RFID and BLE technologies can be used to monitor the location of patients, staff, and visitors within the hospital premises. This can enhance security, optimize workflow, and help in case of emergencies.
  • Patient Identification and Access Control: RFID bracelets or badges can serve as identification for patients, allowing for quick and accurate access to their medical records and the right treatment. Similarly, staff access to restricted areas can be managed through RFID or BLE-based access control systems.
  • Temperature and Environment Monitoring: RFID sensors can be used to monitor temperature-sensitive items like vaccines, blood products, or medications to ensure they are stored at appropriate conditions.
  • Medication Management: RFID technology can be employed to improve medication administration processes, reducing errors, and ensuring patients receive the right medications at the right time.
  • Hygiene and Infection Control: BLE beacons can be used to enforce hand hygiene compliance among hospital staff. The beacons can be integrated into hand sanitizers and detect when staff members clean their hands.
  • Patient Workflow Optimization: RFID and BLE technologies can be used to streamline patient flow through the hospital, reducing wait times and improving overall patient experience.
  • Patient Monitoring: BLE wearables can be used for continuous patient monitoring, tracking vital signs and sending alerts to medical staff in case of any abnormalities.
  • Emergency Response and Evacuation: RFID and BLE systems can assist in quickly locating patients and staff during emergencies or evacuations, ensuring their safety.

GAO’s drone technologies find the following applications in the specialty hospital industry:

  • Medical Supply Delivery: GAO’s Drones can be used to transport medical supplies, such as medications, blood products, and diagnostic samples, between different hospital locations or remote facilities, ensuring timely delivery and reducing transportation time.
  • Emergency Response and Disaster Relief: GAO’s Drones can be deployed to assess disaster-affected areas and deliver medical aid and equipment to areas that are difficult to reach by conventional means, improving emergency response capabilities.
  • Telemedicine Support: GAO’s Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can facilitate telemedicine consultations by providing real-time video feeds from remote locations, assisting specialists in making diagnoses and treatment decisions.
  • Aerial Imaging and Mapping: GAO’s Drones can capture aerial images and create detailed 3D maps of hospital premises, aiding in facility planning, infrastructure management, and security surveillance.
  • Patient Transport: GAO’s Drones equipped with medical pods or stretchers can be used for non-urgent patient transport between medical facilities or from remote locations, reducing travel time and ambulance utilization.
  • Disinfection and Sanitization: GAO’s Drones equipped with disinfectant sprayers can help in sanitizing large areas quickly and efficiently, contributing to infection control measures within the hospital.
  • Monitoring and Inspection: Drones can be used to conduct regular inspections of hospital infrastructure, such as rooftops, facades, and utility systems, identifying maintenance needs and ensuring safety compliance.
  • Search and Rescue: In emergency situations, drones can aid in searching for missing or injured individuals, helping rescue teams locate and assist those in need.
  • Public Health Initiatives: GAO’s Drones can support public health initiatives by distributing information, educational materials, or vaccines to remote communities, contributing to disease prevention and health promotion.
  • Environmental Monitoring: GAO’s Drones equipped with sensors can monitor air quality and environmental factors around the hospital, assisting in pollution control and identifying potential health hazards.
  • Training and Simulation: GAO’s Drones can be used in medical training simulations, creating realistic scenarios for healthcare professionals to practice emergency response and critical care skills.
  • Security and Surveillance: GAO’s Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can enhance hospital security, patrolling sensitive areas, and monitoring entrances and exits.

GAO’s IoT technologies, consisting of IoT sensors, sensors networks and systems, find the following applications in the specialty hospital industry:

  • Remote Patient Monitoring: GAO’s IoT sensors can be used to monitor patients’ vital signs and health parameters remotely. This allows healthcare providers to keep track of patients’ conditions in real-time, even when they are not physically present in the hospital.
  • Asset Tracking and Management: GAO’s IoT sensors can be utilized to track and manage medical equipment, devices, and supplies within the hospital. This enables efficient inventory management, reduces equipment loss, and improves resource utilization.
  • Environmental Monitoring: GAO’s IoT sensors can be deployed to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air quality within hospital facilities. This helps in maintaining optimal conditions for patients, staff, and medications.
  • Smart Beds and Rooms: GAO’s IoT-enabled smart beds can automatically adjust positions for patients, preventing pressure ulcers and enhancing comfort. IoT sensors in patient rooms can detect motion or changes in patients’ conditions, alerting caregivers when attention is needed.
  • Medication Management: GAO’s IoT-enabled medication dispensers and smart pill bottles can help patients adhere to their medication schedules. These devices can send reminders and notifications to patients and caregivers.
  • Infection Control: GAO’s IoT sensors can be used to monitor hand hygiene compliance among hospital staff. They can detect when staff members clean their hands and provide data for quality improvement efforts.
  • Patient Tracking and Workflow Optimization: GAO’s IoT-based tracking systems can help optimize patient flow within the hospital, reducing wait times and enhancing overall patient experience.
  • Fall Detection and Prevention: GAO’s IoT sensors can be integrated into patient wearables or placed in specific locations to detect falls and automatically notify medical staff for immediate assistance.
  • Energy Management: GAO’s IoT technologies can optimize energy usage within hospital buildings by controlling lighting, heating, and cooling based on occupancy and usage patterns.
  • Predictive Maintenance: GAO’s IoT sensors can monitor the condition of medical equipment and provide real-time data for predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and improving equipment longevity.
  • Patient Safety and Security: GAO’s IoT-based security systems can enhance the safety and security of patients and staff by monitoring access to restricted areas and providing video surveillance.
  • Emergency Response: GAO’s IoT devices can assist in emergency response situations by automatically triggering alerts and providing location information in case of accidents or disasters.

GAO’s Assists Clients with Standards, Mandates & Regulations of specialty hospital

GAO RFID Inc. has developed its products and systems in compliance with industry standards and mandates. GAO has assisted our customers in specialty hospital to deploy RFID, BLE, IoT and drone systems and to ensure such deployments complying with applicable industry standards, U.S. government regulations and Canadian government regulations such as:

RFID, BLE, IoT, & Drone Standards & Mandates

  • ISO 18000-63
  • HL7 (Health Level Seven)
  • AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) Healthcare Initiative (AHII)
  • RMTS (RFID Medical Tracking System)
  • FDA UDI (Unique Device Identification) Rule
  • GS1 EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services)
  • Healthcare Device Profile (HDP)
  • Medical Device Profile (MDP)
  • Continua Health Alliance
  • IEEE 11073 Personal Health Devices (PHD)
  • Bluetooth SIG Healthcare Working Group
  • HL7 FHIR (Health Level Seven Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
  • IEEE 11073-20701 Personal Health Data (PHD)
  • IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise)
  • Continua Health Alliance
  • IEEE P3333.1.2 Standard for Health Informatics – Personal Health Device Communication Part 1.2
  • GS1 EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services)
  • ISO/IEEE 11073-10408 Health informatics – Personal health device communication – Part 10408
  • Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
  • ISO 21384-3:2019
  • ASTM F3003-14
  • ISO 11146:2005
  • FAA Part 107
  • EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) Regulations
  • ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Guidelines
  • Drone Manufacturer Guidelines
  • Hospital and Healthcare Facility Regulations
  • FDA UDI (Unique Device Identification) Rule
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act):
  • EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • ISO 18000 series
  • Continua Health Alliance
  • AIDC Healthcare Initiative (AHII)
  • Hospital and Healthcare Facility Regulations
  • FDA Premarket Notification (510(k))
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • IEEE 11073 Personal Health Devices (PHD)
  • Continua Health Alliance
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • Medical Device Regulations
  • Continua Health Alliance
  • Hospital and Healthcare Facility Regulations
  • ISO/IEEE 11073 series
  • IEC 80001-1:2010

US Government Regulations

  • Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Conditions of Participation (CoPs)
  • Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)
  • Stark Law (Physician Self-Referral Law)
  • Anti-Kickback Statute
  • Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
  • 340B Drug Pricing Program
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations for Medical Devices
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards
  • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Canadian Government Regulations

  • Canada Health Act
  • Health Professions Act
  • Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA)
  • Medical Devices Regulations
  • Food and Drug Regulations
  • Hospital Management Regulation
  • Hospital Licensing Regulation
  • Mental Health Act
  • Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA)
  • Canada Labour Code
  • Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act
  • Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations
  • Assisted Human Reproduction Act
  • Assisted Human Reproduction Regulations

GAO Software Provides Easy Integration with API

GAO’s RFID and BLE software offers a free trial for both the server-based and cloud versions, and offers an API to the important systems in sub-industry such as:

Personnel Management:

  • Employee Scheduling and Shift Management
  • Performance Evaluation and Reviews
  • Training and Certification Tracking
  • Health and Safety Compliance Monitoring
  • Employee Records and HR Management
  • Payroll and Benefits Administration
  • Staff Credentialing and Licensing Management
  • Time and Attendance Tracking

Equipment Management:

  • Asset Tracking and Inventory Management
  • Preventive Maintenance and Calibration Scheduling
  • Equipment Utilization and Availability Monitoring
  • Equipment Repair and Service History Tracking
  • Equipment Usage Analytics
  • RFID-enabled Equipment Tracking
  • Equipment Lifespan Prediction and Replacement Planning

Access Control:

  • Access Control for Restricted Areas (e.g., Operating Rooms, Pharmacies)
  • Visitor Management and Entry Authorization
  • Biometric Authentication for Secure Access
  • Time-Bound Access Privileges
  • Electronic Locking Systems and Door Access Controls

Warehouse Management:

  • Inventory Management and Stock Tracking
  • Automated Reordering and Supply Restocking
  • Batch Tracking and Expiry Date Monitoring
  • Supply Chain Integration for Seamless Inventory Updates
  • Warehouse Optimization and Space Management
  • Barcode and RFID-based Inventory Control
  • Automated Material Handling Systems

Supply Chain Management:

  • Supplier Relationship Management
  • Procurement and Purchase Order Processing
  • Vendor Performance and Compliance Tracking
  • Demand Forecasting and Inventory Optimization
  • Supply Chain Visibility and Real-time Tracking
  • Temperature and Environmental Monitoring for Sensitive Supplies
  • Supply Chain Analytics and Performance Monitoring

Other Applications:

  • Patient Flow Management and Bed Availability Tracking
  • Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Patient Identification and Authentication
  • Medication Management and Drug Dispensing
  • Infection Control and Hand Hygiene Compliance
  • Environmental Monitoring (Temperature, Humidity, Air Quality)
  • Smart Building Automation and Energy Management
  • Medical Waste Management and Disposal Tracking
  • Emergency Response and Disaster Management
  • Data Analytics for Clinical Decision Support and Quality Improvement

GAO has enabled its customers to make use of some of the leading software and cloud services in the Specialty hospital Industry. Below are some of the popular software and cloud services in Specialty hospital Industry.

For personnel management in specialty hospitals, leading commercial software options include Kronos Workforce Central, which offers comprehensive workforce management solutions, ADP Workforce Now for HR and payroll functions, UltiPro’s cloud-based HRIS capabilities, BambooHR’s user-friendly interface for employee records, and Oracle PeopleSoft for an extensive range of HR functions. For equipment management, solutions like Tero provide healthcare equipment tracking and maintenance scheduling, while Accruent offers tools for managing facility and equipment maintenance and compliance. Asset Panda offers asset tracking and management capabilities, Fiix’s maintenance management software can be customized for healthcare equipment needs, and eMaint CMMS aids in equipment maintenance scheduling and inventory management. Evaluating these options based on your specialty hospital’s specific needs is recommended.

GAO has worked with some of the leading technology companies in the sub-industry to provide integrated RFID, BLE, IoT and drone solutions to customers. Here are some of the technology leaders in specialty hospital industry:

Cerner Corporation, Epic Systems Corporation, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., MEDITECH, McKesson Corporation, GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, NextGen Healthcare, Athenahealth, Inc., eClinicalWorks, CPSI (Computer Programs and Systems, Inc.), Health Catalyst, IBM Watson Health, InterSystems Corporation)

Case Studies of RFID Applications

Below are some RFID application cases in specialty hospital industry.

RFID in Blood Tracking at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Implement Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City implemented an RFID-based blood tracking system to improve the accuracy and efficiency of blood product management. Objective of the system is to reduce the risk of blood product errors, ensure proper matching of blood products with patients, and enhance the traceability of blood throughout the transfusion process. The RFID system successfully improved the accuracy of blood product tracking, reduced errors, and enhanced patient safety during transfusions.

RFID for Surgical Instrument Tracking at Mayo Clinic Implement in Mayo Clinic, a renowned medical center, used RFID technology to track surgical instruments in real-time during surgical procedures. Objective of our RFID system aimed to ensure that the correct instruments were used during surgeries, improve inventory management, and prevent the retention of foreign objects post-surgery. Result produce by the RFID-based surgical instrument tracking system helped reduce the incidence of retained surgical items, streamline workflows, and improve the accuracy of instrument usage records.

RFID in Patient Identification at Texas Children’s Hospital Implement in Texas Children’s Hospital implemented RFID wristbands for pediatric patients to improve patient identification and enhance security. The objective of our RFID wristbands is to reduce identification errors, prevent patient mix-ups, and improve patient safety during their hospital stay. Result produce by The RFID wristbands contributed to a significant reduction in patient identification errors, which resulted in improved patient safety and streamlined workflows.

Many applications of RFID by GAO can be found here


Case Studies of IoT Applications

Below are some IoT application cases in specialty hospitals.

Remote Patient Monitoring in Canadian Hospitals are Implemented Several Canadian hospitals have deployed IoT-enabled remote patient monitoring systems for patients with chronic conditions or those in remote areas. Objective of our IoT-based systems aim to monitor patients’ vital signs and health parameters remotely, allowing healthcare providers to intervene in case of any abnormalities and reduce hospital readmissions. Result produce by The implementation of IoT-based remote patient monitoring has shown promise in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Smart Beds and Patient Safety Implement in Canadian specialty hospitals have implemented smart beds equipped with our IoT sensors to detect patient movements, changes in posture, and bed exit events. Objective of our IoT-enabled smart beds aim to prevent patient falls, enhance patient safety, and provide real-time data for better patient care. Result produce in Smart beds with IoT integration have shown to be effective in reducing fall rates and improving patient safety.

IoT-based Asset Tracking and Management Implement in Several Canadian hospitals have implemented IoT-based asset tracking systems to monitor the location and status of medical equipment, devices, and supplies. The objective of our IoT asset tracking systems is to optimize inventory management, improve equipment utilization, and reduce operational costs. Result can produce by the Hospitals have experienced improved asset visibility, reduced equipment losses, and streamlined workflows with the adoption of IoT-based asset tracking.


Case Studies of Drone Applications

Below are some drone application cases in specialty hospitals.

Medical Supply Delivery A specialty hospital could use drones to deliver urgently needed medical supplies, such as medications, blood products, or diagnostic samples, to remote or hard-to-reach areas.

Transporting Organs for Transplant Drones could be employed to transport organs for transplantation between hospitals, providing a faster and more efficient means of transportation compared to traditional ground methods.

Aerial Patient Monitoring Drones equipped with medical sensors and cameras could be used for aerial patient monitoring during emergencies or natural disasters, providing real-time data to healthcare providers.

Rapid Response in Emergencies Drones could be deployed to survey the scene of a disaster or mass casualty event, assisting hospital staff in assessing the situation and coordinating response efforts.

Telemedicine Support Drones with communication capabilities could serve as mobile telemedicine platforms, enabling remote healthcare professionals to provide guidance and support during emergencies or remote medical procedures.

Disinfection and Sanitization: Drones equipped with UV-C lights or other disinfection mechanisms could be used to sanitize hospital rooms and facilities, reducing the risk of hospital-acquired infections.

Security and Surveillance Drones could be used for security and surveillance purposes to monitor the hospital premises and detect any unauthorized access or suspicious activities.

GAO RFID Systems & Hardware for specialty hospital

GAO RFID Inc. offers the largest selection of BLE gateways, BLE beacons, RFID readers, tags, antenna, printers, and integrated RFID systems for various industries, including specialty hospital.

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

GAO offers advanced BLE gateways:

as well as versatile beacons with such important functions as temperature, humility, vibration and panic button:

GAO’s BLE technology is suitable for many industries, including specialty hospital

UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID

GAO offers the largest selection of UHF RFID readers for various industries, including specialty hospital:

GAO RFID offers the widest choice of UHF RFID tags, labels, badges, wristbands for various industries, including specialty hospital:

and an array of antennas to address different applications:

HF (High Frequency), NFC (Near Field Communications) and LF (Low Frequency) RFID

GAO offers the largest selection of HF, NFC, and LF RFID readers for various industries, including specialty hospital:

HF, NFC and LF RFID tags, labels, badges, wristbands for various industries, including specialty hospital:

and antennas:

GAO also offers RFID printers:

Digital I/O adapters:

and relay controllers:

For embedded applications, GAO offers UHF, HF and LF RFID reader modules:

In collaboration with its sister company GAO Tek Inc, a wide selection of high-quality drones are offered:

The RFID systems by GAO are highly popular for clients in specialty hospital:

Physical asset or operational equipment tracking system:

Assets that can be effectively tracked using GAO’s technologies include: Cardiac Specialty Hospital, Cancer Specialty Hospital, Orthopedic Specialty Hospital, Neurological Specialty Hospital, Rehabilitation Specialty Hospital, Maternity and Women’s Health Specialty Hospital, Ophthalmology Specialty Hospital

People or workers tracking system:

Personnel or people access control system:

Parking or vehicle control system:

Furthermore, GAO provides the customization of RFID tags, RFID readers, BLE beacons and BLE gateways, IoT, drones, and systems and consulting services for Site Assessment and Remediation parts manufacturing and for various industries in all metropolitans in the U.S. and Canada:


GAO Makes Efforts to Satisfy Customers

Large Choice of Products

In order to satisfy the diversified needs of their corporate customers, GAO RFID Inc. and its sister company GAO Tek Inc. together offer a wide choice of RFID, BLE, IoT, drones, testing and measurement devices, and network products.

Overnight Delivery

In order to shorten the delivery to our customers, GAO has maintained a large stock of its products and is able to ship overnight within continental U.S. and Canada, and fast delivery to anywhere in Mexico and Europe from the nearest warehouse.

Local to Our Customers

We are located in both the U.S. and Canada. We travel to customers’ premises if necessary. Hence, we provide a very strong local support to our customers in North America, particularly the U.S., Canada and Mexico, and Europe. Furthermore, we have built partnerships with some integrators, consulting firms and other service providers in different cities to further strengthen our services. Here are some of the service providers in Sub-Industry we have worked with to serve our joint customers:

  • Deloitte
  • Accenture
  • PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
  • Cognizant
  • IBM Global Business Services
  • KPMG
  • Huron Consulting Group
  • NTT DATA Services
  • Optum (UnitedHealth Group)
  • Advisory Board (OptumInsight)
  • DXC Technology
  • ZS Associates
  • Leidos Health
  • Perficient
  • The HCI Group (part of Tech Mahindra)
  • Impact Advisors
  • Nordic Consulting
  • Galen Healthcare Solutions
  • CTG (Computer Task Group)
  • Navigant (part of Guidehouse)
  • Virtusa
  • Cumberland Consulting Group
  • Engage (Engage Technologies)
  • Parallon Technology Solutions
  • Wellspring Consulting International
  • Cerner Corporation (Canada)
  • Siemens Healthineers Canada
  • Philips Healthcare Canada
  • GE Healthcare Canada
  • McKesson Canada
  • TeraGo Networks (Canada)
  • Virtelligence Canada
  • WELL Health Technologies Corp. (Canada)
  • Emerald Health Information Systems (Canada)
  • Mediture
  • Santeon Group Inc.
  • CloudMD Software & Services
  • Telus Health (Canada)
  • Accreon
  • Novari Health (Canada)

GAO Has Served specialty hospital Extensively

GAO RFID Inc. and its sister company GAO Tek Inc. together offer a wide choice of RFID, BLE, IoT, drone, testing and measurement devices, and network products.

GAO’s products and technologies have helped its customers in specialty hospital Industry to achieve success in Telemedicine and Virtual Care, Data Analytics and Big Data in Healthcare, Patient-Centered Care, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in Healthcare, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Remote Patient Monitoring, Personalized Medicine and Precision Medicine, Population Health Management, Patient Engagement and Patient Experience, Value-Based Care, Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions, Wearable Health Devices and Smartwatches, Digital Health and Health IT Adoption, Interoperability and Health Information Exchange, Telehealth and Teleconsultation, Blockchain in Healthcare, 5G Connectivity for Healthcare, Health Data Privacy and Security, Health Equity and Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health, Genomics and Genetic Testing, Digital Therapeutics, Precision Health, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Medical Training, Ambient Intelligence in Healthcare, Predictive Analytics in Population Health, Robotics and Automation in Healthcare, Population Health and Health Risk Stratification, Remote Surgery and Robotics-Assisted Surgery, Health Consumerism and Patient Empowerment.

GAO RFID Inc. has served many customers in specialty hospital, including its various divisions such as

  • Cardiac Specialty Hospitals: Focused on providing specialized care for patients with cardiovascular conditions, including heart disease, heart failure, and cardiac surgeries.
  • Orthopedic Specialty Hospitals: Specialize in orthopedic care, including joint replacements, spine surgeries, and musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Cancer Specialty Hospitals (Oncology Hospitals): Focused on providing comprehensive cancer care, including diagnosis, treatment, and support services for patients with cancer.
  • Rehabilitation Specialty Hospitals: Specialize in rehabilitation services for patients recovering from injuries, surgeries, or chronic medical conditions.
  • Behavioral Health Specialty Hospitals: Provide specialized care for patients with mental health and behavioral disorders, including psychiatric care and substance abuse treatment.
  • Women’s Health Specialty Hospitals: Focus on women’s health issues, such as maternity care, gynecology, and reproductive health services.
  • Pediatric Specialty Hospitals: Provide specialized care for children and adolescents, including pediatric surgeries, oncology, and critical care.
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery Specialty Hospitals: Specialize in treating neurological conditions, including brain and spinal surgeries, stroke care, and neurological disorders.
  • Burn Specialty Hospitals: Provide specialized care for patients with severe burn injuries, offering advanced burn treatments and wound care.
  • Geriatric Specialty Hospitals: Focused on providing specialized care for elderly patients, including geriatric assessments, memory care, and long-term care services.
  • Transplant Specialty Hospitals: Specialize in organ transplantation and post-transplant care for patients undergoing organ transplant procedures.
  • Bariatric Specialty Hospitals: Focus on weight loss surgery and related medical and behavioral support for patients with obesity.
  • ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Specialty Hospitals: Specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the ear, nose, throat, and related structures.
  • Hospice and Palliative Care Specialty Hospitals: Provide specialized end-of-life care and support for patients with terminal illnesses.
  • Infectious Disease Specialty Hospitals: Focus on treating patients with infectious diseases and providing specialized isolation and containment facilities.

GAO’s technologies enable its customers in “specialty hospital” to effectively track their workforces such as Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Anesthesiologists, Radiologists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Respiratory Therapists, Medical Technologists, Pharmacists, Social Workers, Case Managers, Surgical Technologists, Medical Assistants, Clinical Researchers, Dietitians, Psychologists, Medical Secretaries and effectively track operational 76assets such as Infusion Pumps, Ventilators, Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Machines, Defibrillators, Anesthesia Machines, Surgical Instruments, X-ray Machines, MRI Scanners, CT Scanners, Ultrasound Machines, Laboratory Analyzers, Blood Pressure Monitors, Pulse Oximeters, Hospital Beds, Mobile Carts and Workstations on Wheels, Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems, Vital Signs Monitors, Medical Scales and Weighing Equipment, Blood Glucose Meters, Wound Care Equipment.

Here are some of the leading companies in specialty hospital industry:

  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY)
  • Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, OH)
  • Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA)
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)
  • Hospital for Special Surgery (New York, NY)
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Penn Medicine (Philadelphia, PA)
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (New York, NY)
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston, MA)
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA)
  • Stanford Health Care (Stanford, CA)
  • Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA)
  • UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA)
  • UCSF Medical Center (San Francisco, CA)
  • Seattle Children’s Hospital (Seattle, WA)
  • University of Washington Medical Center (Seattle, WA)
  • City of Hope National Medical Center (Duarte, CA)
  • Scripps Memorial Hospital (San Diego, CA)
  • Banner Health (Phoenix, AZ)
  • Sharp Memorial Hospital (San Diego, CA)
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, US)
  • Duke University Hospital (Durham, US)
  • Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, US)
  • NYU Langone Health (New York, US)

You Are Invited to Contact Us!

If you are interested in our products, services or partnering with us, please feel free to contact us by filling out this form:

or email us at sales@gaorfid.com