RFID Specimen Tracking System
Lab Accuracy for Patient Safety.
Track samples in real-time to enhance productivity!
What can our RFID Specimen Tracking do for your Laboratory?
The GAO Specimen Tracking System is a complete solution that tracks specimen samples in real-time as they are collected and progress through the delivery cycle to their destination laboratories. Once securely received, the specimen can continue to be monitored, allowing laboratories to maintain inventory and status accuracy.
The system is powered by four key components:
- Specimen Tracking Tags affixed to transport vials, containers, and biohazard bags
- Fixed and Handled RFID Tracking Devices
- GPS Technology
- GAO RFID Specimen Tracking Web Portal
These four components work together to track specimen as they are transferred from the community source to the central lab, or locally within a laboratory’s departments such as from chemistry to microbiology. This ensures almost 100% visibility of the specimen’s location throughout the diagnostic process.
The GAO RFID Specimen Tracking System empowers you to know exactly where specimens are on demand; here’s how:
Once a physical sample is collected, it is assigned an RFID Tag.
Key details of the specimen, including its patient information, origin, intended destination, and suspected disease are entered in the Specimen Tracking Software which connects the RFID Tag and the tag is associated with all of the specimen information to the database—making the specimen unique, identifiable and information rich.
An RFID Reader scans the RFID Tag assigned to the specimen and the information is synchronized real time with the server database which can be accessed simultaneously by personnel of various facilities, couriers, and laboratories. As the sample travels through each checkpoint, the RFID Tag is scanned where the GPS coordinates of the scan location are sent to web portal to enable tracking.
As all specimens are delivered and pass through their checkpoints, our Specimen Tracking Software allows users to login through a web interface to check on the location of the specimens. Once the samples arrive at the lab, it is scanned to complete the delivery cycle. The specimen information is automatically integrated into the laboratory systems and can then be tracked in-lab, allowing technicians to monitor specimen location, temperature, and current lab status throughout the diagnostic process.


Date, Time & Point of Collection Info

Tracking Couriers While In Transit

Real-Time Visual Map View

Temperature Tracking

Sample Condition History

Delivery Delay Alerts
Gain up to 100% visibility of specimen location in real-time as it is en route to the laboratory
Improve specimen handling accuracy by reducing labelling errors and avoiding misreading of information
Increase lab productivity by eliminating manual transcription processes and time-consuming searches
Reduce operation costs by going paperless and avoiding error-prone situations
How our Specimen Tracking System Helps
Each year, billions of medical samples are collected, transported and tested worldwide. Testing is a critical part of the diagnostic process, as it helps to monitor disease outbreaks and aids doctors to make patient treatment decisions. Being such a critical part of the diagnostic process, it is alarming that the industry still faces many challenges that cause improper specimen handling leading to medical errors, loss of productivities, increases in liabilities and risks to human health or even lives.
Our Specimen Tracking System is a complete, end-to-end solution for collecting, tracking, and monitoring medical samples that help health facilities and laboratories: reduce specimen labelling errors, prevent loss of specimens due to transport, improve overall operations efficiencies, reduce costs and liabilities, and save lives.
Click the sections below to learn more.
Specimen Tracking System: Benefits for Every Lab
The GAO Specimen Tracking System can be used in any laboratory and diagnostic environment and provides benefits every lab that collects, transfers, and diagnoses patient samples.
Hospital Labs

Quickly setup specimen information during sample collection and accurately identify patient samples to avoid human error during the diagnosis process.
Community Labs

Accurately track where each sample is arriving from and be confident that specimen data is automatically integrated into your laboratory information system.
Blood Banks

Effectively track blood samples as they are delivered to the blood centre, monitor inventory for proficient transfusion needs and minimize transfusion errors.
Disease Control & Infection Centres

Efficiently track the delivery of specimens in real-time as they are in transit and en route from community sources to the microbiology laboratory.
Veterinary Labs

Quickly and accurately diagnose samples to ensure veterinary partners receive timely results for their patients.
Specimen Tracking System Components & Features
Click the sections below to learn more.