
Ted Marena – Senior Director, Western Digital


Senior Director, Business Development
Western Digital

Ted Marena is responsible for evangelizing several technologies, marketing solutions and accelerating the build out of various ecosystems. He has over 25 years of experience in sales, business development and marketing. Marena has recently authored a book, Marketing Simplified, An Experience-Based, Step-by-Step Guide to Grow Sales. He is recognized as a leader in the field and was elected the Marketing Chair for RISC-V International.


Figuring out how to stand out in a busy world is daunting for many individuals and organizations. People have limited time and resources. Attend my talk to be informed and entertained on specific actions you can do to promote a product, service, idea or yourself. I get right to the key points and share with you several work experiences that you can benefit from. Learn the easy to follow steps to best promote what is important for you.

Greg Jameson – President, WebStores Ltd

Amber Vanderburg – Founder, Pathwayz Group