
Who Should Attend the IoT & RFID Global Virtual Summit

  • Summit
  • October 13, 2020
  • 0

This year, the 2020 Global IOT & RFID Summit will take place virtually online on December 1st  through December 11th.

The event will be broken up into two forms, one being a live presentation that will take place through a video conferencing platform, and the other being a poster session where presenters have the chance to have their articles posted on the event page of our website. Participants from the US and Canada are able to choose a time slot for the presentation in which is most convenient for them.

Presenting at this event will allow you to receive many benefits including exposure, recognition and contribution. As an industry leader, you will be able to share knowledge with the attendees that will range from fellow industry experts and new customers as well. This summit will provide an opportunity for you either begin or continue to establish your expertise and credibility. Not only will you be contributing to your profession, but you will also be able to mentor future generations of professionals. The complimentary benefits are endless; some that include having the ability to receive the attendee list of your live presentation and even receiving a coupon discount for registration which can be given to anyone you desire.

Due to the fact that this year’s summit is virtual, attending this event has more benefits than ever before. An attendee, you are able to choose various presentations from different summits. You also have the ability to choose a presentation over a long period of time and you can even adjust your focus to only specific presentations that you are interested in. Having the event to be delivered virtually in an innovative way allows the minimization of conflicting schedules of attendees to not be disrupted as well as the benefit of presentations of similar topics are scheduled apart for attendees.

The opportunity to present or attend the 2020 Global IOT & RFID Summit provides various benefits and learning opportunities for all people involved in the summit. You have the opportunity to network with many professionals from various industries whether you are an attendee or a presenter. RFID technology is shaping up to be an important building block for the Internet of Things (IoT) and these solutions are widely used across many industries where an increasing number of positive results were developed. We believe that this summit will not only be informative for each person but also will be a great opportunity to engage and develop additional business ideas in the technology world.

Please visit our website for more details regarding this event and information on how to sign up. Here you can also sign up and subscribe to our Monthly RFID Newsletter where you can stay up to date on the latest topics!


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