
Prasenjit Bhadra – Founder & CEO, Ranial Systems Inc


Prasenjit (Jeet) is an entrepreneur and tech evangelist contributing to enterprise-scale M2M/ IoT and AI products and platform engineering. He has served global leadership positions in global organizations and start-ups to drive innovation and thought leadership. He is the Founder and CEO of Ranial Systems, a US-based start-up initiative focusing on Cognitive IoT platforms. The mission of the industry-focused R&D at Ranial systems is to drive inventions in advanced edge computing and Real-time process intelligence that address emerging challenges of large-scale green initiatives and renewable infrastructure deployment, Intelligent asset management.

Jeet owns global patents and research publications in the large-scale distributed architecture of IoT and Wireless solutions that converge the power of real-time cognitive AI with embedded systems and high-performance computing. The motivation of his organization initiatives is to drive continuous improvement in maximizing ROI, KPI, interoperability, self-healing, minimize downtime in Industrial IoT implementation. Jeet is actively involved in mentoring scholarly research, and industry-academic alliance in AI, Big Data and IoT innovation programs.


Convergence of IoT and AI: Paving the Path Forward to Digital Transformation in Industry 4.0 era and Beyond

The emerging trends of IoT, AI, wireless sensor networks, 5G, and Cloud have been promising widespread disruptions in the 21st century. However, the hype cycles of such technology adaptions often fail to capture the key drivers and potentials of a hybrid platform runtime, where such technologies complement each other to address critical business imperatives and accelerate innovation. Shifting focus from an IT-centric service delivery model helps organizations to stay focused on core problem domains and maximize the value proposition. With two decades of global experience in emerging technology innovation, the speaker explains how the optimal mix of AI with core components of IoT ( hardware/ sensors, network, and software) delivers competitive advantages and tangible ROI proof points. The presentation delves into some of the real-world scenarios that illustrate the strategic alignment of AI and IoT in industrial automation and green technology initiatives. The speaker also presents the role of edge/ fog computing and cognitive AI in addressing critical challenges with traditional cloud-based IoT solutions, and how cognitive edge runtime promises scalability, extensibility, and interoperability in the long run

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