
UHF 890-940 MHz Circular Polarized Antenna

This circularly-polarized antenna supports a stable delivery of UHF energy in a radial symmetrical pattern allowing for the ability to read RFID tags regardless of orientation.




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This circularly-polarized antenna supports a stable delivery of UHF energy in a radial symmetrical pattern allowing for the ability to read RFID tags regardless of orientation.


Frequency Range 890 MHz – 940 MHz
Polarization Circular
Gain 6 dBi max
Beam Width (3DB) 40 degrees nominal
Cross Polarization Rejection 20 dB, min
Input Impedance 50 Ohm nominal
Return Loss -15 dB across frequency range
Cable LMR-195, 50 ohm coaxial, reverse polarity TNC connector
Size 11.18″ × 7.68″ × 1.7″
Weight 680.40 g
DC Input Impedance 10k Ohm