
TekSummit on 5G & 6G Data Networks

Second Quarter, Annually

Jointly Hosted by GAO RFID Inc. & GAO Tek Inc.

This summit is a high-impact virtual conference where leading 5G and 6G data networks experts present technological innovations in this increasingly important wireless industry.

Speakers, panellists, chairs, advisors and other participants of this conference include top experts and executives from Fortune 500 companies such as Walmart, Exxon Mobil, Amazon, Google, Dell and IBM; leading technology providers such as Qualcomm, Intel, Siemens, Nokia, Fluke, Honeywell, Zebra, and Oracle; major wireless and data network service providers such as AT & T, Verizon, Rogers and Bell Canada; prestigious professional associations and standard bodies such as IEEE, IEE, ITU, ISO, GSMA, OMA, ETSI, ASEE, AIAA, ASME, IIE and ASCE; top QS 100 universities such as MIT, Stanford, UC – Berkeley, University of Toronto; and government agencies such as CRTC and CSEC of the Canadian government, as well as NTIA and ITS of the US government.

This 5G & 6G summit encompasses 6 categories of presentation topics to explore the role of 5G and 6G technologies in deployments, security and privacy, systems and architecture, special verticals, applications, research and development.

The 5G Deployments Presentations examine various technical, security and societal issues of 5G deployments. Topics of 5G’s use in government, military, agriculture and beyond will be discussed. The 5G Security and Privacy Presentations provide new insights on concerns of location data privacy that arise with 5G technology and its benefits of tracking attacks and improving other security. Along with 5G data comes intelligent frameworks like the Radio Access Technology to support it, as the 5G Systems and Architecture Presentations discuss. The 5G Special Verticals Presentations provide an analysis of new systems and services resulting in other technological advancements including smart factories, autonomous driving, immersive education, and mobile e-health. 5G technology used in these products and beyond, and these innovations will soon be the norm of everyday life. 5G continues to be implemented into new applications as well, as smart communities and industrial IoT grow in popularity and its relevance in Big Data analytics increases widespread access to information. The new global standard of 5G wireless technology connects virtually everyone and everything, and it is one of the fastest and most advanced technologies ever seen. This discusses 5G’s worldwide benefits and how it will significantly improve businesses’ efficiency and consumers’ access to quick information. 6G Presentations focus on research, development and policy issues related to the forthcoming 6G wireless data networks.


5G Deployment Presentation Topics

5G Interconnections Analysis—QoS, Scalability, Performance, Interference

Real Case Deployment Scenarios and Results

Multi-Objective 5G System Modelling and Analysis—Performance, Energy, Reliability, Robustness

Experimental prototypes, Test-Bed and Field Trial Experiences

Closing the Gap between Research and Implementation

5G deployment at Government, Aerospace & Military and ISPs

5G deployment on Agriculture, Retails, Smart Cities, etc.

5G Interconnections among ISPs Analysis—QoS, Scalability, Performance, Interference management

Gap Analysis for Real Deployments

5G and Future Internet Architectures

Standardization and Regulation

5G Security and Privacy Forum

Natural Disasters and 5G Security and Privacy

“5G Clean Path” and “Clean Network” and Security and Privacy

5G and Blockchain

5G Privacy and Security Concerns

Identification and Authentication Issues

Intrusion Detection in 5G

Cryptography, Key Management, Authentication and Authorization for 5G

Cross-layer Attacks in 5G

Security with QoS Optimization in 5G

Privacy based Channel Access in 5G

5G Forensic Science

Big Data and Information Integrity in 5G

Communication Security in 5G

Security Standards in 5G

Open Communities, Open API, Open Source


IoT, BLE or RFID People Tracking with 5G

IoT, BLE or RFID Asset Tracking with 5G

IoT, BLE or RFID Access Control with 5G

IoT, BLE or RFID Parking/Fleet Control with 5G

IoT, BLE or RFID Work in Progress with 5G

IoT, BLE or RFID Manufacturing 4.0 with 5G

IoT, BLE, or RFID Inventory or Warehouse Control with 5G

IoT, BLE, or RFID Traceability with 5G

5G Empowers RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

5G Empowers BLE (Low-Energy Bluetooth)

5G Empowers IoT (Internet of Things)



5G Systems and Architecture Presentation Topics

Massive MIMO, MU-MIMO, Multi-RAT System Architectures

Reconfigurable and Switching Wireless Network Topologies

RF Beamforming, Digital Beamforming and Hybrid Beamforming Architectures

Beam Steering and Phased Arrays

Impact of “5G Clean Path” and “Clean Network” on 5G Systems and Architecture

Antenna System Architectures

5G Radio Designs

RFIC and CMOS Technologies and Architectures for 5G

RF, PA, PLL, Source, Phase Shifting, ADC/DAC/Modem Blocks

Full-Duplex and STAR Architectures and Evaluation Methods

RF Blockers and Interference Cancelers

Test and Measurement Over Entire 5G Ecosystem.

Multi-Standard Coverage and Measurement Approaches

Antennas and Massive MIMO OTA Tests

Array Timing and Synchronization

Channel Measurements and Modeling

Radio Measurements at Microwave and mmWaves

Signal Characterization

5G Device/Component Level Testing;

mmWave Material, Transistor and Nonlinear Device Measurements


5G Special Verticals Presentation Topics                          

Systems and Services as a Result of Natural Disasters

Systems and Services as a Result of “5G Clean Path” and “Clean Network” Proposed by the US

Tactile Internet

Smart Factories and Industry 4.0

Automotive, Intelligent Transport together with RFID, BLE & IoT

5G & Autonomous Driving

Industrial 5G Service Creation and Management Aspects

Smart Grid, Energy Management

5G-based Supply Chains & Logistics Powered by RFID

5G Wireless Networks for the Industrial Internet of Things

E-Health and Mobile Health over 5G Networks

Backward Compatibility:



Fax over IP





5G Applications Presentation Topics

Impact of Natural Disasters on 5G Applications

Smart Cities, Smart Public Places

Smart Home, and 5G-Based Building Automation

Smart Agriculture and Water Management

Cyber-Physical Systems, Context Awareness, Situation Awareness, Ambient Intelligence

Collaborative Applications and Systems

Service Experiences and Analysis

5G and Cloud Services


Consumer Electronics, Assisted Living, Rural Services Presentation Topics

5G Wireless Networks for Body Sensors

Crowd-Sensing, Human-Centric Sensing

Big Data and 5G Data Analytics

Internet Applications Naming and Identifiers

Social-Aware 5G Networks

Semantic Technologies, Collective Intelligence

Cognitive and Reasoning about Things and Smart Objects

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and 5G

Horizontal Application Development for 5G

Design Principles and Best Practices for 5G Application Development

Open Communities, Open API, Open Source

Vertical Oriented Applications

Healthcare, e-Health, Assisted Living

Building Management and Operation Automation

Environmental Monitoring

Connected Car, Automotive

Intelligent Transport

Aerospace and Defense

Smart Grid, Energy Management

Utilities Management and Operation

Consumer Electronics, Assisted Living, Rural Services

Mining, Oil & Gas, Digital Oilfield, Electronic Oilfield

Agriculture, Industrial IoT, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Retailing

Logistics, Entertainment

Large Event Management

Industrial Service Creation and Management

Financial Services

Health of Machinery

Highway, Rail Systems

Industry of the Future, e.g., Industry 4.0, RFID, IoT

Media & Entertainment


6G Presentation Topics

6G Communications at the Terahertz Bands

Spectrum Regulatory for 6G Bands

Distributed Radio Access Network (RAN) for 6G

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications for 6G

6G Trustworthiness

Challenges and Opportunities of Ultra-reliable and Ultra-low-latency 6G

Novel Signal Processing Techniques for 6G

Smart Antenna Schemes for 6G

Advanced Full-Duplex Strategies for 6G

Meta-Surfaces Implementation at 6G

New Quality of Service (QoS) Metrics for 6G

Multiple Access Schemes for 6G

Dynamic Spectrum Access/Sharing at 6G band.

New Network Architectures in 6G

Self-Organizing 6G- IoT, BLE and RFID

Interference Management at 6G

New Security Concepts within 6G

6G Testbeds and Applications


Panel Discussions & Tutorials on ICT in 5G & 6G Wireless Networks

Experts from sponsoring companies and from the hosting companies GAO RFID and GAO Tek shall hold panel discussions and give tutorials on 5G & 6G data networks and their applications


About TekSummit & the Hosting Companies GAO RFID & GAO Tek

TekSummit has an unprecedented format: daily, year-round, and high-impact online presentations by top technical experts, business managers and corporate executives to discuss emerging ICT technologies and their applications.

GAO RFID is a leader in RFID readers, tags, antennas, and solutions for access control, parking, asset tracking, people tracking, inventory management, WIP, etc. GAO Tek is a leader in fibre optical and other high-tech products for businesses. Both are based in New York, US and Toronto, Canada.