

With a sponsorship at TekSummit, your company can target attendees, speakers, media and other participants interested in emerging information and communications technology (ICT) topics of your choice such as: IoT, RFID, cloud, drones, BLE, 5G and 6G data networks, artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printing (3DP) and additive manufacturing, industry 4.0/manufacturing 4.0, big data, space engineering or tourism, robotics, edge computing, serverless computing, optical fibre, e-commerce, e-learning, virtual office, mental health, e-marketing, career development, entrepreneurship, start-up investments, and applications of ICT topics of your choice in various major industries such as automotive, transportation, oil, gas, mining, supply chain, agriculture, healthcare, construction, aerospace, government, defense, retail, online business, energy, entertainment, education, finance, food.

You can custom design a sponsorship to maximize the return on your investment.

Below are some options you can consider:

One or more sales presentations and/or product demos of your company,

One or more regular presentations by your staff with priority consideration.

Participation by your staff in one or more panels,

Your company’s logo in the agenda,

At least one dedicated blog before your presentation/demo,

At least one dedicated video blog before your presentation/demo,

At least one video interview before your presentation/demo

Your company’s logo on the most relevant summit page before your presentation/demo,

Promote your presentation/demo at least once in Newsletter,

Your company’s logo in Newsletter before your presentation/demo,

Recording of your live presentation for further promotions


Please contact sales at to custom design a sponsorship package for you.