
TekSummit on E-Learning & Accessibility

Second Quarter, Annually

Jointly Hosted by GAO RFID Inc. & GAO Tek Inc.

This summit is a virtual event for technical and business professionals and corporate executives for the companies involved with e-learning and accessibility. E-learning and accessibility is a topic that has become extremely important since it allows people to learn remotely from the comfort of their own home or their office.

A variety of topics related to this industry will be explored including 5G and IoT; web and mobile accessibility and usability; technologies for regular people, as well as for deaf, blind and other disabled, computer-supported collaborative education.

Presenters and other participants are from leading companies in this field, top universities, government education departments, and professional standards agencies and associations.


Presentation Topics

Adaptive and Personalized Technology-Enhanced Learning

Wireless, Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Technologies

Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Education

Computer-Supported Collaborative Education

Technology-Enhanced Assessment in Education

Motivational and Affective Technology-Enhanced Learning

Technology-Enhanced STEM Education

Smart Education Environments

Large Scale Implementation of Technology-Supported Education

Software Engineering for Accessibility

Cloud Computing and Assistive Technology Services

Human-Computer Interfaces for People with Disabilities

Usability and Ergonomics

End-user tools for accessibility

Educational Tools for People With Disabilities

Web and Mobile Accessibility and Usability

IoT, BLE or RFID People Tracking

IoT, BLE or RFID Asset Tracking

IoT, BLE or RFID Access Control

IoT, BLE or RFID Parking/Fleet Control

IoT, BLE or RFID Work in Progress

IoT, BLE or RFID Manufacturing 4.0

IoT, BLE, or RFID Inventory or Warehouse Control

IoT, BLE, or RFID Traceability

Technologies & Apps for Deaf, Blink and Other Disabled

Technology Learning of Thinking Skills

Make Use of 5G

Make Use of 6G

Make Use of IoT

Make Use of RFID

Make Use of BLE

E-Aging and Gerontechnology


Panel Discussions & Tutorials on E-Learning & Accessibility

Experts from sponsoring companies hold panel discussions and give tutorials.

About TekSummit & the Hosting Companies GAO RFID & GAO Tek

TekSummit has an unprecedented format: daily, year-round, and high-impact online presentations by top technical experts, business managers and corporate executives to discuss emerging ICT technologies and their applications.

GAO RFID is a leader in RFID readers, tags, antennas, and solutions for access control, parking, asset tracking, people tracking, inventory management, WIP, etc. GAO Tek is a leader in fibre optical and other high-tech products for businesses. Both are based in New York, US and Toronto, Canada.