
Frequently Asked Questions

Common FAQ

Duration of A Session

A session is a presentation, panel discussion, keynote, sales or product demo and it lasts a maximum of 90 minutes, including 5 minutes of initial organization, 20 minutes for QA, and 5 minutes for preparation for next session. Specific organization and delivery of a session are at liberty of the session organizers.

Time Zones of Summit Sessions

Are the time zones most convenient for the speakers, hence their audiences.

Regular Presentation

A presentation whose focus is to educate attendees.

Sponsored Presentation

A presentation created by a sponsor, normally with more sales-oriented content or a product demonstration.


Is used for our presentations, panelist discussions or keynotes as live video streaming.


Manages a session being a regular presentation, a panel discussion or a keynote presentation. The host introduces the presenter(s) and/or panelists, controls the zoom functions, and emails zoom links to the presenter(s) and attendees prior a session.


Attendee FAQ

Anyone can attend. 

Anyone can attend any presentation.  The URL to attend the zoom presentation is beside each item in all Summit Agendas.


Speaker, Panelist, & Chair FAQ

No Fees

            GAO does not charge, nor pay a speaker, a panelist or a chair for the opportunity.


What Promotions Do I Expect from GAO

We will promote heavily your presentation. Our promotional activities include a dedicated text blog, a dedicated video blog, newsletters, and a video interview of you.


What Am I Expected to Do

Prepare a high-quality presentation, promote it heavily with your means, and deliver a professional presentation.


What If I Want to Be Interviewed by a Member of Media

Let us know your preferences and we will arrange for you.


Can I Have A Shorter Session?

Yes. A session is a presentation, panel discussion, keynote, sales or product demo and it is slotted for 90 minutes, including about 5 minutes of initial organization and 5 minutes for preparation for next session. However, you can have it shorter.


Sponsorship FAQ


What Promotions Do I Expect from GAO

We will promote heavily your presentation. Our promotional activities include a dedicated text blog, a dedicated video blog, newsletters, a video interview of you, on summit webpages, during live presentation, plus other means.


What Am I Expected to Do

Prepare a high-quality presentation, promote it heavily with your means, and deliver a professional presentation.


What If I Want to Be Interviewed by a Member of Media

Let us know your preferences and we will arrange for you.


Can I Have A Shorter Session?

Yes. A session is a presentation, panel discussion, keynote, sales or product demo and it is slotted for 60 minutes, including about 5 minutes of initial organization and 5 minutes for preparation and the rest for Q&A for next session. However, you can have it shorter.