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RFID reader with 13.56 MHz frequency, USB or RS232, ISO 15693, 9.92 lb (4.5 kg), and 11.81 in to 15.74 in (30 cm to 40 cm) read or write range.
This HF Ethernet LED reader is weather resistant, has a read range of up to 2.75” (7 cm), and features a configurable buzzer.
The high frequency mid range reader/writer is an all-in-one desktop device that integrates a reader/writer module and antenna into one unit.
The 13.56 MHz DESFire configurable reader can read MIFARE cards as well as user inputs via its metal keypad with an IP66 protection rating.
This multiple output interface HF reader can enable or disable any type of RFID card reading, is NFC compatible, and is highly configurable.