
Entertainment RFID Systems

Below you will find entertainment industry-specific RFID systems. The systems listed here are implementation ready and specifically designed around the needs of various entertainment facilities.

If you have questions about any of our RFID systems listed below please feel free to contact us.

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GAO RFID Movie & Video Production Asset Management System

Highly Efficient and Convenient Management of assets in a movie and video production company is done simply by an employee walking through the company while holding a handheld PC and tracking the assets.   What It Tracks Our RFID system can track all kinds of movie and video production company assets, such as filming equipment […]

ID: gao-movie-video-asset-tracking

GAO RFID Opera House Asset Management System

Highly Efficient and Convenient Management of assets in an opera house is done simply by having an employee walk through the venue while holding a handheld PC and counting assets.   What It Tracks Our RFID system can track all kinds of opera house assets, such as projectors, screening equipment, inventories, acoustic equipment, employees and […]

ID: gao-opera-house-asset-tracking

GAO RFID Radio and Television Broadcasting Asset Tracking System

Easy and Cost-Effective Tracking Save time and money by improving how you track your radio and television broadcasting station’s assets.  It’s as easy as having an employee walk through the facility holding a handheld PC or tablet which automatically tracks all your assets without any manual scanning. What It Tracks Our RFID system can track […]

ID: gao-radio-tv-asset-tracking

GAO RFID Sports Stadiums Asset Management System

Highly Efficient and Convenient Sport stadiums are a massive organizational challenge in the field of organization, order, performance and security. GAO RFID offers you an incredible opportunity to keep an eye on the assets used by your complex simply by having an employee walk through the stadium while holding a handheld PC and tracking the […]

ID: gao-stadium-asset-tracking